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Spy cameras
In different cases at home, in the office, the use of a hidden wireless spy camera may become essential: the suspicion of betrayal, or even bodyworn cameras in pens buttons and also coffee cups we offer WiFi,IP and micro spy cameras for audio-video over the internet to your mobile phone High-quality, powerfull and professional tools for remote hidden video surveillance.
We don’t sell we can build as well!

Audio recording
Providing you with handheld products and also for long term recording or listening that allow you to simply deploy, recover, and listen.Pioneering these designs, we provide you with everything needed to carry out any surveillance operation and without the associated costs that are prevailant within the industry.
Audio from a room, office or vehicle can differ in many ways. All our audio PCB aknowledge the type of environment they are deployed within and adjust their settings automatically.

Listening devices
Listening devices with built-in GSM modules are the ideal solution for people who spend a lot of time away from their home or business.
Here you will find a wide range of products which are used everyday envorimnet.
Giving you crystal clear listening from anywhere from the other side of the world.